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About IFKK

The On Point Purpose

Forming an organization needs a root cause and desire to join hands towards something achievable. In 2011 after enough demands and all political issues 3 major players decided to do something better for Karate and specially Kyokushin . This led to brief hands on meeting and the decision to form a new, modern, sustainable and compact organization.


The idea of being near the participants /students and members was the drive force for us to start on working .What did the members want , what did they not want .The list was set to determine how to work out organization policy and also how to service all members.


The demand

The demands was set up on following

  1. All are equal, no religious harassment nor political influences on organization.

  2. All members get full service at low cost.

  3. Cooperation with all other organizations also those who have been neglected by other IKO’s.

  4. Clear transparent system flow. .

  5. A democratic setup , not just Rank based or Branch Chief based system.

  6. All Branch Chiefs must organize and form a democratic organization .


These were the and still are the main core demands that we formed our organization towards.


IFKK is a non-profit and non-political organization with a democratic body represented by Chairman Goksel Sahinbas the Netherlands.



The organization has grown up slowly but with strength, now with approximately 29 000 members worldwide we are as strong as we can get satisfied with.


Today we have approximately 18 branches around the world, see the full description under ‘Branches’ Page. Our main goals is to keep activity level high for all our branches and offer fair and undisputed help to everyone involved to develop their organization within their own country /district.



On our way to this journey we have really found good partners and contributors within Karate, the most mentionable WKKO -Seishin Iwashita Kancho, WFKU Hanshi Andrew Rekunov and KWA Saiko Shihan Jaquess Jadotte. Organization policy, rules and guidelines can be sent to interested organizations. If you are interested in representing us, don’t hesitate to contact international affairs director Dilnawaz Malik (information on contact site).

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